Blogs in Foreign Language Teaching (Individual Entry #5)
What is a blog? WPMU DEV. What is a Blog? (06.07.2013). Online: (Stand: 25.02.2016). “Blog”...
Educational Uses of Etherpads in Foreign Language Teaching (Individual Entry #4)
The ability to teamwork and learn collaboratively can be seen as the “non plus ultra” of modern education and constitutes a requested...
Opportunities of Mobile Learning: MALL (Mobile-Assisted Language Learning) (Individual Entry #3)
As the use of mobile devices is increasingly spreading, also among students, the number of mobile applications for ESL learning has been...
A New Form of Game-based Learning: Quest To Learn (Q2L) (Individual Entry #2)
During my research on the web about the combination of technology, new media and education, I found out about a school whose concept...
BYOD: Bring Your Own Device or Disaster? (Individual Entry #1)
Prof. Dr. Michael Kerres from the Learning Lab of University Duirburg-Essen in Germany gives a short introduction of BYOD. -...
Reflection of the Seminar "New Media in FLT" (Obligatory Entry #4)
During winter term 2015/16 I attended the seminar “New Media in Foreign Language Teaching” at Philipps-University Marburg in course of my...
Reflection and Evaluation of one Online Tool: Bitstrips (Obligatory Entry #3)
Source: Kaiser, Jeremy. (08.06.2010). Four apps students can use to make comic strips in the classroom. Online:...
Inverted classroom-based Teaching Sequence (Obligatory Entry #2)
Title Name: Loraine Gärtner Semester: 5, winter term 2015/16 Subject: English School: Marienschule Fulda Lesson: 1 and 2 Time: 7.50 –...
The TPACK model: Explanation and Reflection (Obligatory Entry #1)
Since the role of good teachers and efficient teaching methods have undergone a change in the past decades, teachers have to face new...